Friday, June 30, 2006

Same client, different brain...

So, I got a call today from the client that had me do the "Brainguy," in yesterday's post, and asked if I could do a realistic brain also. Of course, she knew I do photorealistic work too. This isn't quite photoreal, but it is my first medical illustration ever.

I did the pencil work on a piece of tan mat board, figuring it would give me a nice base tone to work from. The colors and lettering were added digitally. This was another quick turnaround, and I did it in about 4 hours, start to finish.




Patrick said...

Drawing brains is always a challenge- I incorporated a brain into a logo I designed for a heavy metal trivia book I wrote, and every now and then some of the monsters I sketch have exposed brains... You did a nice job on this one, don't know if I would be much good at doing medical illustrations- I can draw the most outrageous gruesome monsters, but when it comes to the reality of drawing human body parts, it kinda freaks me out. Bizarre I know, but thats how it is! Have a good weekend Rich!

Rich Faber said...

Thanks, Patrick! As i said, I'm not a Medical Illustrator, but it's always good to push the boundaries of one's comfort zones. I took on this assignment to see if I was up to the task, and I'm fairly happy with the result. At the very least, I learned a few things about the anatomy of the brain...
