I want to let people know about a cool event with which I've been fortunate to be associated. But first, a little background: Almost two years ago, I had a bad case of tendinitis in my left elbow, and my wife urged me to go see an orthopedic surgeon she had profiled in her career as a television producer. It turns out that
Dr. Nick DiNubile is the Orthopaedic Consultant to the
Philadelphia 76ers Basketball Team and
Pennsylvania Ballet, so you'd figure he's a pretty good doctor (and you'd be right)! Well, as I do a lot of
sports illustration work, and ever the enterprising businessman, I figured I would bring my portfolio to show him after my appointment, if he had time to look. Hey, one never knows where one's next client work might come from, and in this case, it was from a most unexpected source...
After he diagnosed the tendinitis, and ordered me to rehab for my elbow (a story for another time), Dr. Nick took a look at my work, and gave me a few contacts that he knew. And since he was so nice to me, I feel I owe it to him to mention Dr. Nick's book, "
Framework," as it will give you a brand new perspective on taking care of yourself and your body through exercise.
So, while Nick and his staff were looking through my portfolio, unbeknownst to me, there in the waiting room was a very nice lady who was not only a patient and friend of Dr. Nick, but who also happens to be the director of the
Philadelphia International Dragon Boat Festival. And as luck would have it, she was looking for an Illustrator! So, when I arrived home from my doctor's visit, I was pleasantly surprised to find a message on my voicemail from Carol Lee Lindner, the Executive Director and Founder of the festival. Well, Carol Lee, my new client (and now friend), was looking for someone who could bring a new vision to the Festival and thought I'd be right for the job, based on Dr. Nick's enthusiasm for my work! She hired me to do the artwork for the Festival, and here it is:

It was a very ambitious project. The piece was done in pencil, and then colored digitally. All told, it took me about 120 hours to complete, easily the most time I've put into any one project in my career! All that hard work was worth it though, as I feel the end result really captures Carol Lee's vision. You'll soon see it available on the Festival's website for purchase. I'll follow up with info on that, as it becomes available.
The Philadelphia International Dragonboat Festival is this Saturday, October 6th, and takes place along Philadelphia's beautiful Boathouse Row (depicted in the illustration). If you're in the area, be sure to come by for this terrific event!