First, some of my design work. I've been working on a number of projects for the Washington Speakers' Bureau's Impact Channel. Most of this work is for some very interesting people; financial gurus, and motivational speakers who specialize in creating a more efficient workplace. Among them are luminaries such as Tom Peters, Chip Bell, and Mike Abrashoff (if you haven't heard of them,try looking them up online. You'll find a lot of info). Here are a couple of graphics I provided for Mike Abrashoff's section of the Impact Channel:

Next, while I did this last year, it's timely in that it's work based on the movie "The Golden Compass." I was hired to do some style guide art for Scholastic, based on the movie, and these are two of the images I drew:

Last, but not least, here's a screenshot of my newly designed website (I mentioned a few months ago that I'd post it here):

To see the whole thing in action, just go to I have the navigation of my site categorized a lot differently now. I've added about ten new categories to look through, including "Portraits," for all of the likenesses I draw, "Sketches," for anyone who's interested in seeing the raw material, and some insight into my process, and for those who just want to get to the meat of it in a nice neat (although large) package, you can simply click on the buttons for "Black and White Work" and "Color Work." Additionally, you can now go to a section entitled "Recent Work" to see some of what I've been doing lately. I'll be updating that one pretty regularly, so feel free to check back often.
For those of you who have stuck with my long posts, and sometimes even longer gaps in times posting, thank you. I plan to post more frequently this year, so I hope you'll continue visiting my blog. I look forward to sharing much more work here this year. I hope you have a truly happy, healthy, and productive 2008!